See how your sponsorship funds are put to use! Below are some of the highlights from 2024.
If you would like to see pictures from previous years, contact SOAR at info@soar-us.org.

If you would like to send a letter or special gift to the individual you sponsor (Armenia only), please mail to:

Hripsime Muradyan
19/1 Tbilissi Blvd, 052
Yerevan (Kanaker), Armenia

Child Sponsorships


SOAR Transitional Center, Yerevan Updates

Margarita Shahjanyan completed her first year at Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov. She participated as a singer in the June 1st celebration put on by SOAR
Mariam Asoyan continues her law studies at the French University in Armenia. She works at Mission Armenia as an operator and takes online classes with SOAR chapter members. This year Mariam won the volunteer of the year award from SOAR!
Nune Grigoryan successfully completed the first year of her studies at the "Finance" faculty of the French University in Armenia. In addition to her university studies, she actively participated in several conferences focused on leadership, communication, and professional development.

Warm Hearth 3rd Village Updates

Agappy continues to attend sewing and carpet weaving classes. This year she started working at one of the community stores. Celebrating her birthday is always her favorite thing to do.
Alina continues to attend pottery and sewing classes and has learned how to use a computer. She loves her birthday very much and looks forward to it every year.
Anahit continues to attend pottery, sewing, and carpet weaving classes. She loves going to the training center and interacting with her friends. Anahit dreams of becoming a singer.
Armen loves the outdoors and is a very creative person, helping his friends with their projects. His birthday is his favorite time of the year.
Armine continues to attend pottery, sewing, and carpet weaving classes. This year, she worked on improving her cooking and sewing skills.
Arsen started taking sewing classes this year and is making great progress. He is hoping to get a job in social services with Warm Hearth.
Bagrat has been taking pottery classes and has been doing very well. He has been working as a social service worker at Warm Hearth.
Davit continues to take pottery classes. He loves writing and going on walks. His birthday is the day he looks forward to the most.
Davit continues taking carpet weaving, pottery, and sewing classes. Celebrating his birthday with his friends every year is his favorite thing to do.
Gayane continues to attend carpet weaving and sewing classes. She also loves baking cakes, doing embroidery, walking, and interacting with neighbors. She looks forward to celebrating her birthday every year.
Hasmik continues to attend pottery, sewing, and carpet weaving classes. She loves dancing and celebrating her birthday with her friends.
Hayk completed 8th grade and started working. He loves riding his bike, spending time with his friends, and helping his relatives. Hayk is excited to celebrate his first birthday with his new friends.
Margarita is a new resident at Warm Hearth and has a lot of dreams. She wants to learn to drive and get married someday. She is so happy to have her home at Warm Hearth for now.
Mikael loves spending time with his friends, traveling, and walking around the community. Celebrating his birthday with all his friends at Warm Hearth is his favorite day of the year.
Nelli has been taking pottery classes. Her favorite things to do are to visit her uncle, go shopping, and celebrate her birthday with her friends.
Roman continues to attend pottery and sewing classes. She loves her birthday very much and enjoys sewing clothes and assembling puzzles.
Sasun loves attending his pottery classes. He also enjoys going on car rides, but most of all, he loves celebrating his birthday!
Susanna has worked very hard on improving her embroidery this year. She loves writing and readung books, but most of all she looks forward to celebrating her birthday with her friends!
Valerik loves taking his pottery classes. He also loves spending time with his friends, traveling, and walking around the community. This year will be his first time celebrating his birthday with his new friends.
Yulia learned the Russian alphabet this year and she is very proud of herself. Outside of celebrating her birthday, she loves shopping for clothes.

Warm Hearth Arinj Updates

Armen participated in the felt-making class. He loves interacting with the community residents, but his favorite time is celebrating his birthday with his friends.
Arsen attended pottery and felt-making classes. He recently moved to Arinj from 3rd Village, He loves his new friends and especially celebrating his birthday with them.
Arthur attended pottery, sewing, and felt-making classes. This year for his birthday he chose a smart phone as his gift. It was one of the happiest days for him!
Arthur G attended pottery, sewing, and felt-making classes. From time to time, Ihe goes to work at the community store; he loves working and helping people. Still, his favorite time of year is celebrating his birthday.
Gohar attended pottery, carpet weaving, sewing, and felt-making classes. She loves interacting with people, singing, dancing, and having a good time. Her favorite time of year is celebrating her birthday with her friends.
Hrach attended pottery, sewing, and felt-making classes. This year he was excited to pick out his birthday gift on his own. It was the best day of the year for him!
Kristine attended carpet weaving and felt-making classes. She also knows how to do macrame and enjoys teaching others. Kristine works in the community store and loves interacting with the community residents. Her birthday is always her favorite time of the year.
Natasha attended pottery, sewing, and computer classes. She loves kitchen work and enjoys cooking dishes for her friends.
Zhanna attended pottery, sewing, carpet weaving, and felt-making classes. She loves celebrating her birthday with her friends every year.


Birthday for Lia at Children's Home of Gyumri through the SOAR Sponsorship Fund

Birthday for Lia at Children’s Home of Gyumri.

Warm Hearth Jermik Ankyun Geghanist Updates

Bavakan completed her computer course and is now sewing and carpet weaving classes. She loves cleaning and cooking and celebrating her birthday with her friends.
Anahit was displaced from Artsakh and arrived in Armenia with nothing. Warm Hearth opened their home to her and took her shopping for clothes, shoes, and all her necessities.
Diana participates in sewing and carpet weaving classes and recently completed computer courses. She loves working in the garden even though she is confined to a wheelchair. She says her friends help her with whatever she needs.
Edita completed her computer courses and is now attending sewing, carpet weaving, and pottery classes. She loves to sing and dance, but especially celebrating her birthday!
Fatima completed her computer courses. She is now attending carpet weaving, pottery, and sewing classes. She loves assembling puzzles and working in the kitchen. She is looking forward to her birthday and celebrating with her friends!
Gayane was displaced from Artsakh and had been shot during the war. After her recovery, she came to Warm Hearth. She said that her life in now much brighter and she has made new friends.
Mareta was displaced from Artsakh. She prays daily for everyone affected by the war. She is thankful that she was able to come to Warm Hearth and now knows that there are people that care about her. She never before had people who celebrated her birthday with her!
Nazeli completed her computer courses and is now attending sewing and pottery classes. She loves dancing and playing games, but most of all she loves celebrating her birthday with her friends!
Roza completed computer courses and is now attending pottery, carpet weaving, and sewing classes. She was so excited to receive a smart phone for her birthday! Her dream is to one day visit the Tatev Monastery Complex and ride the world-famous longest cable car, "Tatev Wings".
Siranush has difficulty speaking but says the people around her understand her without words. She completed her computer course, attending classes at the training center, and this year she advanced to 12th grade. Siranush is happy that she is trusted enough to make her own decisions, especially picking out her birthday cake and gifts!

Our Lady of Armenia Annie Bezikian Center, Kanaker Updates

Ala Antonosyan graduated with her Master's degree from the Faculty of Political Management and Political Analysis of the Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Armenia. She is going to continue her education and is enrolling in diplomatic school in Islamic Republic of Iran. Ala has also received an offer from the Ministry of Defense to work as a political analyst.
Anahit Aleksanyan graduated from the Faculty of Geography and Geology. She participated in many conferences on hydro meteorology. Anahit already has many job opportunities offered to her.
Anahit Mardoyan graduated from Yerevan State University, Faculty of Armenian Philology. She successfully defended her thesis, marking a significant milestone in her academic journey. Anahit has received many promising job offers.
Anahit Sargsyan passed her first semester exams with high marks and is now preparing for the final exams for second semester. She is going to be working and volunteering during the summer months and learning English on her own.
Angelina Stepanyan completed her first year at Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, factory of foreign languages, English language and literature.
Ani Abrahamyan completed her 3rd year at the Faculty of Finance of the French University of Armenia.
Flora Mkrtchyan completed her third year at the State Linguistic University.
Izabela Lachinyan graduated with her Masters in Data Science from Yerevan State University of Economics. She is currently interning at Inecobank as part of their risk analysis team.
Karine Antanosyan completed her first year of master's studies in history from Yerevan State University.
Lala Antanosyan graduated with her Master's degree from the Faculty of Marketing Communications of the Armenian State University of Economics. She is now working at AmeriaBank as a marketing specialist.
Lilit Azoyan completed her 1st year at Yerevan State University of Economics, Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations.
Mariana Minasyan completed her 1st year at the Medical University in Yerevan.
Marine Antanosyan graduated from the Human Resources Management Master's Program at Yerevan State University. She has started an internship with the Human Resources Management Easy Pay company.
Shushanik Grqikyan completed her first year at the Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts. She participated in “painting and drawing”, “interior design” and “caricature” competitions throughout the year.
Sirvard Mkrtchyan graduated from the psychology department of the Faculty of Psychology and Philosophy of Yerevan State University.
Varduhi Antanosyan graduated from the State University named after Valery Brusov, at the Faculty of Translation.
Ani Stepanyan completed her second year of studies at the Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology Department of the Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Khachatur Abovyan.
Hermine Poghosyan completed her first year at Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics. Her future plans are to participate in programming courses in parallel with her studies.


Nakashian Children’s Support Center Updates

Anahit Zhamharyan is 19 years old and will be attending her 3rd year at V. Bryusov linguistic University.
Anahit Qemalyan is 14 years old and will be attending 8th grade in the fall. She is a very gifted and talented girl, attending music school excelling in both the piano and guitar․ She has participated in many contests.
Arevik Koklyan is now 13 and will be attending 8th grade in the fall. She loves acting and attends theater classes and is taking guitar lessons as well.
Armine Harutyunyan 18 years old. She will be starting her 4th year at the Musical Pedagogical College and completed seven years of piano classes. She continues singing and works in a cafe.
Armine Sharbatyan is 12 years old and will be starting 8th grade in the fall. She is attending Armenian dances with started taking guitar lessons as well and is loving both.
Gohar Zhamharyan is 16 years old and will be starting her second year at State College of Management in the fall.
Hasmik Abgaryan is 17 years old. She will be starting her 3rd year at Physical Culture College in the fall. She continues participating in basketball and karate.
Lia is 19 years old and will be starting her 3rd year of studies at the Eurasian University Department of Pharmacology. She is also working in pharmacy to gain valuable experience.
Lily Mkrtchyan is 8 years old․ She is one of our new girls and the youngest at the center. She will be starting 2nd grade in the fall. She is taking Armenian dance classes enthusiastically and is learning Russian.
Mane Mantashyan is 17 years old and will start 12th grade in the fall. She is interested in marketing. Mane works at a Coffee House after classes and continues to take piano lessons.
Mariam Gevorgyan is 13 years old and will be starting 8th grade in the fall. She is attending Armenian dance classes and painting classes with great enthusiasm.
Mariam Safaryan Mariam is 15 years old. She loves to draw and will be starting her 2nd year of studies at the State College of Fashion Design in the fall.
Monika Mantashyan is 18 years old. She will be starting her 2nd year at Yerevan State University-the faculty of Jurisdiction in the fall. Monika works at a Coffee house after classes and is a very hard worker.
Kristine Safaryan is 17 years old. She will be starting her 3rd year at State College of Management in the fall.
Susanna Mezlumyan is 14 years old. She finished 9th grade this year and wants to take culinary classes at college next year.
Svetlana Mezlumyan is 17 years old. She will be starting 12th grade in the fall. Like her sister Susanna, Svetlana is also interested in taking culinary courses and wants to continue her education in that sphere. She also attends macrame classes.
Vika Matevosyan is 15 years old. She will be starting her 2nd year of studies at State College of Fashion Design in the fall. She loves to dance and to draw and is very artistic.
Syuzi Sargsyan is 10 years old and will be starting 4th grade in the fall. She loves to dance and play games with her friends. She is attending Armenian dance classes and is an avid reader.
Hasmik Mnacakanyan is 14 years old. She will be starting 9th grade in the fall and is a very gifted and talented girl. She is attending musical school and is already excelling. Hasmik has a wonderful voice and sings in a choir.

Graduation for Our Lady of Armenia Annie Bezikian Center, Kanaker residents.

Graduation for OLA Kanaker residents
Sponsorship update for Sargsyan sisters at SOS Children's Villages

Seasonal clothing for the Sargsyan sisters at SOS Children’s Villages, Kotayk.


Spring clothing for Mariam, Milena, and Angelina Sargsyan at SOS Village Kotayk

Spring clothing for Mariam, Milena, and Angelina Sargsyan at SOS Village Kotayk
Insulin pump, transmitter and glucose sensor for continuous blood glucose monitoring device are installed.

A sponsored child had her insulin pump, transmitter and glucose sensor for continuous blood glucose monitoring device installed.

Orran Updates

Sponsorship update for the family of mane Melikyan through the SOAR Sponsorship Fund

Mane Melikyan and her sister Malvina continue their studies, and Mane continues to attend canon classes.
The family continues to receive food and hygiene support twice a month.
The family also completed four training sessions on financial literacy. The course contained:

1. Introduction to Personal and Family Budget: Income, Expenses, Savings
2. Income: Earned income, donations received, non-monetary income
3. Expenses: cost-effective purchase, debt management
4. Borrowings and Debts: Loans, Cash advances, High-risk borrowings
5. Debt settlement: Non-working loans: Legal and Financial aspects (practical knowledge)
6. Financial Scams: Financial pyramids, card account safety etc
***Additional – Labor Law practical knowledge: Employee Rights, Net/Gross Salary, Shadow Market.

Art exhibition and art supplies for Iliana Manyansheva through the SOAR Sponsorship Fund

Iliana Manyansheva continues to attend drawing classes.

She participated in the exhibition organized by the “House of Russian Books” organization and her work was shared on their social pages.

Iliana is working toward being invited to an individual exhibition when she has enough pieces to show.

SOAR provided Ilana with art supplies.

Travel expenses for medical treatment provided for Arsen Nekararyan through the SOAR Sponsorship Fund

Travel expenses for medical treatment provided for Arsen Nekararyan through the SOAR Sponsorship Fund. Additional trips to Orran will help with the professional help needed.