SOAR - Marseille Chapter

Marseille joined the SOAR family in November 2015. Armenians in France are ethnic Armenians living within the modern republic of France. Like much of the Armenian Diaspora, most Armenians immigrated to France after the Armenian Genocide of 1915. After the end of the First World War, many survivors, including orphans, lived in the French-occupied part of the Ottoman Empire, Cilicia, and the future French Mandate territories of Syria and Lebanon. When French troops retreated in 1921 behind the present-day Turkish-Syrian border, most Cilician Armenians fled and resettled in refugee camps in Alexandria, Aleppo, Ainjar, and Beirut. From there, entire families fled to France. The Armenian refugees and orphans crammed into Turkey, Egypt and Lebanon, arrived by the boatloads to Marseille and journeyed to the mines and factories around Marseille, Valence, Grenoble, Lyon, and Paris. There, a quarter of a million Armenians settled into tight little communities of between 2,000 and 4,000 people. The foundations of the Armenian community in France had been set. Today, Armenian classes are organized in many localities with full bilingual kindergartens and primary schools near Paris and Marseille attended by several thousand children and youths.


Maxime Jabarian

Maxime Jabarian holds a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence from CentraleSupélec, and a Master’s Degree in Astrophysics from Sorbonne University and Lyon Observatory. He began his academic and professional journey specializing in the formation of galaxies and cosmology, contributing to several projects at CNRS laboratories and gaining international experience in the field. Currently, as an AI Consultant at Peaks in Aix-en-Provence, France, Maxime develops custom AI solutions for enterprises.