SOAR - Inland Empire Chapter

Inland Empire (IE) blev en del af SOAR-familien i februar 2015. IE er en storbyregion i det sydlige Californien, beliggende direkte øst for Los Angeles. Udtrykket "Inland Empire" blev først dokumenteret af avisen Riverside Enterprise i april 1914. Udviklere i området introducerede udtrykket for at promovere regionen og fremhæve områdets unikke træk. "Inland"-delen af ​​navnet er afledt af regionens placering, omkring 60 miles inde i landet fra Los Angeles og Stillehavet.

Hovedstadsområdet består af Riverside og San Bernardino Counties. Amterne er hjemsted for mere end 4 millioner mennesker, og tilsammen udgør de det 13. mest folkerige storbyområde i USA og det 3. mest folkerige i Californien. I slutningen af ​​det 19. århundrede var IE et vigtigt center for landbrug, herunder citrus-, mejeri- og vinfremstilling. Landbruget faldt gennem det 20. århundrede, og siden 1970'erne har en hurtigt voksende befolkning, fodret af familier, der migrerer på jagt efter billige boliger, ført til flere boliger,
industriel og kommerciel udvikling.


Tiffany Satoorian

Tiffany Satoorian, a native of Southern California, is a dedicated scientist and leader in the field of biologics development. With a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the University of California Santa Barbara and a Ph.D. in Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology from the University of California, Tiffany has built a career centered on understanding the intricate workings of life at a molecular level.

Driven by a profound sense of purpose, Tiffany’s greatest aspiration is to contribute meaningfully to the betterment of humanity. With a heart deeply connected to her Armenian heritage, she is passionate about supporting and uplifting the Armenian community. Inspired by her cultural roots and guided by a desire to alleviate suffering and foster empowerment, Tiffany is dedicated to making a positive impact through community outreach and service.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Tiffany is a compassionate advocate for those in need. Rooted in a belief in the power of compassion and collective action, she seeks to embody her values by extending a helping hand wherever it is needed most. With a steadfast commitment to serving others and a genuine desire to make a difference, Tiffany is driven by the belief that true fulfillment comes from enriching the lives of those around her.

Nareg Kaprielian

Nareg Kaprielian er salgschef hos et boutique-mæglerfirma, Huntington Mortgage, beliggende i South Pasadena. Nareg er kendt for at yde eksemplarisk service til sine kunder og har specialiseret sig i oprettelse, servicering og lukning af realkreditlån i alle størrelser - fra $100,000 til multi-million dollar niveau. Hr. Kaprielian har lukket over en milliard dollars i realkreditlån siden starten i 2010.

Nareg dimitterede fra University of Southern California med en BS i Business Administration i 2007 og modtog sin MBA fra California State University: Los Angeles i 2013.

I sin fritid nyder han at være vært for venner, tilbringe tid med sin kone Nora, deres tvillingesønner Isaac og Philip og deres Vizsla, Rozie. Naregs hobbyer er todelte: rigelige mængder fysioterapi og massage for at sikre, at han fungerer i en ældre alder, og førsteklasses restaurantoplevelser!

Nora Kaprielian

Nora Y. Kaprielian er en sundhedsadvokat, der arbejder som virksomhedsrådgiver for en biovidenskabsvirksomhedy. Previously, Nora worked on healthcare litigation and regulatory matters at a national firm, representing hospital systems and smaller health care providers. She graduated Loyola Law School of Los Angeles in 2017, and UCLA in 2011 with a B.S. in Political Science.

Da hun voksede op i Inland Empire, beholdt Nora sine armenske rødder gennem aktivt medlemskab i armenske organisationer og er ivrig efter at fortsætte med at gøre det i sin rolle med SOAR. I sin fritid nyder hun at spille tennis, være vært for venner og tilbringe tid med sin mand, deres tvillingesønner Isaac og Philip og deres Vizsla, Rozie.

Anna Mashinyan

Anna Mashinyan graduated from the American University of Armenia in 2021 with a BA in Business. She then began working for Local Express, an Armenian-American company. During her time at Local Express, she had different roles, but project management was the one that helped her become a better professional in SAAS e-commerce solutions. After Local Express, Anna started working at MSP360 as a Sales Development Representative, channeling her passion into effective customer engagement and strategic sales initiatives. In 2023, seeking to further her education, Anna relocated to California to pursue a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB). She is currently developing her startup idea and working as a Graduate Assistant at CSUSB.

Anna has volunteered for other organizations in Armenia, including Orran Armenia and the Pan-Armenian Voluntary Union, underscoring her dedication to giving back to the Armenian community. Her life’s mission is to continually support Armenians worldwide through her professional endeavors.