SOAR - Aarhus Chapter

Aarhus joined the SOAR family in May 2019. In the modern era, Armenians began settling in Denmark in 1970, coming from Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Armenia. In 1983, Armenians established an Armenian Cultural Union that aimed to unite Armenians of Denmark and preserve the Armenian identity, language, and culture. The Armenian Cultural Union operated until 1992 when it gradually slowed down its activities due to the dispersion of Armenians across Denmark and the immigration of Lebanese and Iranian Armenians to the United States and Canada. In 2005, the Danish-Armenian Association and “Nectar” Armenian cultural organization made efforts to organize the community life. The members of these organizations are Armenian immigrants who want to create an Armenian ambiance, preserve the Armenian language and culture, and introduce Danes to Armenia and the Armenian culture. The 3,000 Armenians who live in Denmark today are primarily centered in Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Odense.